Healthcare Costs, Family Bankruptcy
If healthcare costs are a concern for you and your family – and if they aren’t yet, they soon will be – take a few minutes to view this video featuring Dr. David Belk. He explains how all your healthcare bills – from doctors’ visits to medications to hospitalizations to lab and imaging tests – are inflated by up to ten times.
And when you’re finished, check out the rest of this page for ways to overcome this unmatched price inflation that causes almost twice as many family bankruptcies in America as all other causes combined. And most of these folks had health insurance.
You might also enjoy my MedSmarts blog posts that start below after the several videos that offer you even more insights into how to navigate America’s broken healthcare system – and reduce your risk of treatment injury and financial exploitation.
Learn to protect yourself & your family
Our Healthcare Sucks exposes American healthcare’s “dark underbelly” – medical greed that threatens your life & family finances. Americans’ insurance and out-of-pocket costs combined are likely to TRIPLE over the next decade – Obamacare or no Obamacare – driven largely by deceptive practices like…
Unnecessary surgeries, tests & procedures
Patient referrals to doctor-owned services
Needlessly hospitalizing patients to protect doctors from lawsuits