Patient Safety or Endangerment?

Our Healthcare Sucks’

Assessment of Safety Progress

(Excerpted from Our Healthcare Sucks)

Patient Safety At Ten: Unmistakable Progress, Troubling Gaps.

Health Affairs.29(1), 1/10

Safety   Category  2009
Our Grade Comments  (Quotes from  source)
Regulatory/   Accreditation B+ D No clear effect on safety;lax oversight.
Reporting systems B+ D+ Almost ½ states with noreporting of “never events”;no transparency; nonational reporting of errors.
Health information    technology C F 98% of hospitals withno integrated info.system; “stunningly slow”adoption merits worsethan a C.
Malpractice system  and accountability C+ D- “Enforcement remains lax;even for willful violations ofsafety standards.”

Workforce and   training issues

B- D “Practicing physicians remainunengaged…Surprising lackof progress” is worse than B-.
Research B- C- “Funding is still far too limited,knowledge gaps in crucial areasremain,…ongoing debate onevidence standards must beresolved.”
Patient engagement   and involvement C+ C- “We await evidence on the effectiveness of patient engagement”; patient reports of errors at 3X med. records not included.

Provider organ.  leadership engagement

B C “Not filtering down to front-lineworkers.“The profusion of activities makes harmonization crucial…providers …rebel against competing initiatives”.

National & international organ. interventions

A- B- “No evidence of impact & concerns re: unintended consequences…trivial payment cuts to date.

Payment system interventions

C+ C “Hard evidence of improvedoutcomes remains elusive”; Progress on safety indicators has remained flat; see text.
Overall grade B- D+

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